
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Baby Steps

During the summer, I decided that I would create a movie. I planned for it to be an hour long, move my audience and give a feeling of accomplishment to all those would have helped. However, I've now changed my idea.
While riding on the bus, Ana and I began to discuss our senior project. She wanted to help teenage girls that were going through the same issues she went through. She was forced to face her problems on her own, and didn't want someone else to do the same. I asked her who she would help. The girls in Houston? The girls in Denver Harbor? She didn't know. So, I suggested she start with the girls in our Chinquapin community.
Now, there was already a group like this at Chinquapin not too long ago. Ana and I began to reminisce about the days of Women's Group. The girls went to a career day together, took an italian cooking class together, and had planned many more activities. Unfortunately, the group began to fade away my 9th grade year, in 10th grade it was just a shadow of it's former self, and by 11th grade there wasn't a trace of the group left.
We found this really heartbreaking because we felt there was a strong need for Women's Group. Yes, there's a Young Women's Group for the middle school girls (and this has been extremely helpful for the younger girls on campus), but there's nothing for the older girls at Chinquapin. We need help and guidance, too. We still need support and advice. We're still confused about things in life.
Although Ana had decided to take her project in a different direction, our conversation really stuck with me. It affected me so deeply that I decided to change my project altogether. So, I have partnered up with another classmate, Ale, and we've decided to bring the Ladies of Chinquapin to our community.


  1. I am so happy that you are doing something that is going to directly impact Chinquapin. I know about Women's Group, but I think you need to explain it a little more. Explain the logistics. It's great that you explained what you did overall, but for this project you need to have details. How do you plan on bringing Women's Group back? Have you thought about the teacher adviser, by when do you want to restart the club, how often will you have meetings, and what new projects will the group be doing? I think you need to explain all these details in order to give a greater since of the group to others. Keep working hard and I hope you restart this club.

  2. You can never go wrong with targeting the progression of women. I love the idea and how you want to actually want to make a difference. I wish you and Ale the best, because you have so many aspects to cover, with so many problems arising daily with the issues of women. Make it fun for these girls and be creative. Relate to them as if you’ve experienced the situation and most of all lead by example.
